Author: sierracounty

T or C Lodgers Tax Receipts Growing Steadily

Truth or Consequences' Lodgers Tax funding has increased an average of 10% per year since 2016 and is on track to have a record year in 2024. Lodgers Tax is a [...]

Per Asper Ad Astra – Rural Southwest Is Slowly Becoming a Destination for Commercial Spacetravel

by Anya Petrone Slepyan, The Daily YonderOctober 3, 2023 On the morning of August 10th, 2023, residents of Elephant Butte, New Mexico (population [...]

Turtleback Trails Network Concept Plan – Final Draft

The plan was adopted by the Village of Williamsburg and temporarily tabled by the City of Truth or Consequences in April 2023. UPDATE: On 9/27/23 the T or [...]

Help Wanted Roundup, Dec 2022

Dozens of jobs available in Truth or Consequences right now: Jobs at the Bowling Alley (Facilities Specialist, Server...) Jobs at the Hospital (CNA, [...]

Bowling Alley to Reopen With New Look, New Owners

On September 19th, Truth or Consequences Brewing Company purchased the entertainment complex associated with Point Blanc Winery and Bedroxx Bowling Center [...]

MainStreet T or C Hiring new Executive Director

MainStreet Truth or Consequences, a nonprofit charity focused on economic revitalization and historic preservation of downtown Truth or Consequences, recently [...]

Chamber of Commerce Urges Local Officials to Increase COVID Testing

In a letter dated December 8th, the Chamber of Commerce of Truth or Consequences and Sierra County called upon local officials to support a "Get Tested" [...]

Footbridge Group Presents Progress to City Commission

A new feedback board was recently installed by the city in Rotary Park. On July 22nd, 2020, local organizer Merry Jo Fahl and National Park Service Outdoor [...]

Nine Local Businesses Receive MainStreet Grants

[TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, JULY 2020]  MainStreet Truth or Consequences is pleased to announce that it has awarded over $3200 in grants to the following [...]

Footbridge/Trail Group Releases Fact Sheet

The coalition working on drafting a footbridge and trail planning document for the Rio Grande corridor in Truth or Consequences today released a fact sheet to [...]