Sierra County Business News (SCBN) pays for original journalism on topics relating to the economy of Sierra County New Mexico.
Prior to submitting articles, send your topic proposals to:
Editorial Guidelines:
- 300-800 words
- Original journalism, written by you and not paraphrased or lifted from someone else’s work.
- Relevant to business activities, economic conditions, and civic engagement in Sierra County, New Mexico.
- Journalism, not self-promotion. (For self-promotion, consider becoming a Sponsor)
- Fact-based verifiable research and analysis, not conjecture, hearsay, or opinion.
- Solutions-focused, no cynicism or gossip.
- Clearly written in standard inverted pyramid style, well-edited, and completely proofread.
- Submitted in plain text via email.
Generally, we pay $20-50 for each article that is coordinated in advance and accepted. We will reject articles that do not comply with the editorial guidelines above, which are subject to change. We may edit for clarity and brevity.
Propose a Topic: