
MainStreet T or C Hiring new Executive Director

MainStreet Truth or Consequences, a nonprofit charity focused on economic revitalization and historic preservation of downtown Truth or Consequences, recently [...]

Chamber of Commerce Urges Local Officials to Increase COVID Testing

In a letter dated December 8th, the Chamber of Commerce of Truth or Consequences and Sierra County called upon local officials to support a "Get Tested" [...]

Footbridge Group Presents Progress to City Commission

A new feedback board was recently installed by the city in Rotary Park. On July 22nd, 2020, local organizer Merry Jo Fahl and National Park Service Outdoor [...]

Nine Local Businesses Receive MainStreet Grants

[TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES, JULY 2020]  MainStreet Truth or Consequences is pleased to announce that it has awarded over $3200 in grants to the following [...]

Footbridge/Trail Group Releases Fact Sheet

The coalition working on drafting a footbridge and trail planning document for the Rio Grande corridor in Truth or Consequences today released a fact sheet to [...]

Downtown Water Infrastructure Improvements Scheduled for 2021

Downtown has some of the oldest water lines in town. They are at extreme risk of failure and require replacement. The water utility rates in Truth or [...]

Footbridge Project to Attend Health Fair

Planning to erect two pedestrian bridges across the Rio Grande connected by a river trail has begun. On February 1st and 2nd, members of the planning [...]

Last Chance to Submit Questions for City Commission Forum

The deadline for submitting questions to be used at the upcoming city commission candidate forum is Friday, Jan 24th, at 5PM. Questions must be submitted [...]

Shuttle Program Releases 2019 Successes

The Shuttle has made use of borrowed vehicles to provide service. That may change soon. The Shuttle ( ), a project led by Sierra [...]

MainStreet Announces Open House Oct 28

On Monday, October 28th, MainStreet Truth or Consequences will host an open house event from 4-7PM at 410 Main Street in downtown T or C. The event is [...]