T or C Lodgers Tax Receipts Growing Steadily

Truth or Consequences' Lodgers Tax funding has increased an average of 10% per year since 2016 and is on track to have a record year in 2024. Lodgers Tax is a 5% tax collected by lodging facilities from guests who stay 30 nights or less. Data provided by the City suggest that annual short-term lodging subject to Lodgers Tax has increased around 75% over [...]

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Footbridge Project to Attend Health Fair

Planning to erect two pedestrian bridges across the Rio Grande connected by a river trail has begun. On February 1st and 2nd, members of the planning committee for a [...]

Last Chance to Submit Questions for City Commission Forum

The deadline for submitting questions to be used at the upcoming city commission candidate forum is Friday, Jan 24th, at 5PM. Questions must be submitted via email to: [...]

Virgin Galactic says it will finally begin flights from Spaceport America this year

Spaceport America logotype (PRNewsFoto/Spaceport America) Ketty Maisonrouge has waited 15 years for a trip that she knows will be out of this world. The 61-year-old [...]

Rollback of clean water rules could lead to more pollution flowing into New Mexico’s waterways

Early in the coming year, President Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency plans to roll back clean water rules, abolishing limits on how much pollution can be dumped [...]

Shuttle Program Releases 2019 Successes

The Shuttle has made use of borrowed vehicles to provide service. That may change soon. The Shuttle ( http://sierrashuttle.org/ ), a project led by Sierra County in [...]

Spaceport a smart oil-boom investment

Spaceport America logotype (PRNewsFoto/Spaceport America) Commercial space tourism will be a world-changing industry. Those who travel into suborbital space will come back [...]

Spaceport: Time to boost staff, infrastructure

Spaceport America logotype (PRNewsFoto/Spaceport America) It’s been a long time coming. Nearly 14 years have passed, in fact, since Sir Richard Branson and former Gov. [...]

Virgin Galactic closer than ever to NM launch

Virgin Galactic is one giant step closer to launching space flights from New Mexico. Virgin Galactic is projecting $210 million in revenue during 2021 — [...]

MainStreet Announces Open House Oct 28

On Monday, October 28th, MainStreet Truth or Consequences will host an open house event from 4-7PM at 410 Main Street in downtown T or C. The event is free and open to [...]

Morning Star Outfitters Coming to Downtown T or C

"Morning Star Outfitters" is opening soon in the old January's building at the corner of Broadway and Daniels in downtown Truth or Consequences.  We interviewed the owners [...]