T or C Lodgers Tax Receipts Growing Steadily

Truth or Consequences' Lodgers Tax funding has increased an average of 10% per year since 2016 and is on track to have a record year in 2024. Lodgers Tax is a 5% tax collected by lodging facilities from guests who stay 30 nights or less. Data provided by the City suggest that annual short-term lodging subject to Lodgers Tax has increased around 75% over [...]

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Help Wanted: Maintenance Worker

POSITION AVAILABLE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Village of Williamsburg will be accept- ing applications for the posi- tion of full-time Maintenance Worker. Starting [...]

Help Wanted: Cook, dishwasher

CAFE BELLALUCA SEEKS Full-time cook, part-time dishwasher & server. Apply in person. 303 Jones, [...]

Help Wanted: Admin Assistant

The City of Truth or Conse- quences has one opening for the position of ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE OR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT in the WATER/WASTEWA- TER DEPARTMENT. See job [...]

Help Wanted: Bartender/Waitress

BARTENDER/COCKTAIL WAITRESS WANTED Must be willing to work weekends and nights. Able to pass background check and drug test. Previous ex- perience preferred. [...]

Let’s Start Something

Welcome to Sierra County Business News.   If you're interested in the economic vitality of the region, networking and career opportunities, and tips for starting or running [...]