Interstate travelers now have a new reason to stop in Truth or Consequences. At the Interstate-25 exits north and south of town, new signage went up this week advertising one its newer attractions, Truth or Consequences Brewing Company.
Ninety-eight percent of motorists use logo signs to locate services while traveling, and seventy-nine percent decide where to they are going to stop before exiting the Interstate, according to the company that manages the highway sign program. Since 2009, New Mexico Logos has been responsible for the administration and operation of the New Mexico Logo Sign Program for the State of New Mexico and the New Mexico Department of Transportation.
“If we can attract a few more tourists off the highway to buy supplies and discover our hot springs hotels, our restaurants, our beer, and everything else town has to offer, we figured it’d be good for everyone,” said Marianne Blaue, the brewery’s general manager.
In order to get the sign installed, the brewery had to fill out an application and pay a one-time fabrication fee and an annual maintenance fee. The application is available at https://newmexico.interstatelogos.com/state/ and anyone with questions about adding their business to the new sign can call David Cremer at 505-836-5170.
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